Weight Loss Program
Become your desired weight without dieting
Freie Plätze
This Life Transformation Weight Loss Program is unlike any other. Have you ever heard of a way to loose weight without having to go on a diet or follow out an extensive workout routine? Most haven’t until they came across my method that years ago helped me to change my life and become and maintain my desired slim body. And now I feel passionate and grateful to share it with others. With this program you will: - Discover that you are the most powerful co-creator of your life and your body, and by using the power of your mind, you will be able to create your desired body. - You will learn the power of thoughts and images held in your mind in designing your desired self and how to set your goals to make them become true for you. - You will be reconnected to the most powerful ingredient for your creation which is Divine Love that is Unconditional, Limitless and Eternal and that always abides within you, awaiting but your willingness to surrender to it and use it as your guide here. So, at last you will stop chasing for love and instead, be in love creating yourHeart’s desires. - You will understand why diets do not work and why it is more important to focus on HOW AND WHEN TO EAT rather than wasting your time on counting calories. You will awaken to the happiness and true power of living in present moment in the now, as it is the only true life there is, and it is the only place and time that we can create our future. - You will have better understanding why it is so hard to let go of eating sugar and other unhealthy foods and learn the healthy life choices related to food, exercises and being present in stillness of your true being. - You will understand that in order to change or fix anything in your life you have to understand what CAUSES them. So, you will be guided to become AWARE of your existing beliefs held in your subconscious mind that are directly responsible for your dysfunctional eating habits and staying overweight. You will explore what food and eating represent for you. What are they “replacing” or “filling up in you“, that you feel missing in yourself and in your life? Only with this understanding you will be empowered to replace them for the new, positive eating habits and new desired body and weight. - You will receive guidance for the new short daily routine that will set your day for success. These new instructions will help you to become in control of your mind rather than be its powerless slave. - Finally, you will receive a recording
