Our role here is NOT to chase for Love, for things to make us worthy of that Love or to make us feel complete, whole, and good enough. Our role here is to remove the blocks that disconnect us from the awareness of that Love Presence WITHIN US. Because the truth about us is that this Divine Love is our inheritance. It is the essence of our being. It is our true power with which we can create the life that we love to have. And It resides within us all with no conditions, awaiting patiently our awakening to Its presence, our WILLINGNESS to connect to It, surrender to It and to let It be our Guide. And most importantly, to accept It unconditionally for ourselves and then share Its overflow freely to the world.
We don’t have to earn It or do anything to deserve It. And most importantly nothing that happened to us or what was done to us; nothing that was said to us or about us can diminish that Love or take It away from us. And nothing that we did or did not do can make us unworthy of It.
The second step in our awakening is to know HOW to create. We construct our life by choosing between fear or Love every moment of our life. As a consequence of those choices, we are either manifesting our life being enslaved and controlled by our past fearful experiences and past traumas, or we create our life being guided and empowered by that Love….
In my workshops I go deeply into explaining the workings of our mind in creating our life experiences - “We are what we THINK we are”. We create with our thoughts, with the images that we hold in our mind and most of all with our energetic vibration. We in fact are 99.9999% energy. And our outside world directly reflects the energy we vibrate with. With our vibration we become powerful magnets of what we manifest into our being and environment.
Our vibration is created by our emotions which are affected by our thoughts which are created by our beliefs that are stored in our subconscious mind. Hence, our beliefs are like computer programs which manifest our life, and our emotions are our guides to become aware and connect to those beliefs. This is why it is so vital to take responsibility for our emotions, as by looking within we become aware of the limiting and self-sabotaging beliefs that are responsible for those emotions. And instead of placing the blame and keep our focus on the world outside of us, we have to GO WITHIN to clear those beliefs.
We clear them by firstly understanding where they came from, what events in our past caused us to acquire them. Then we change the INTERPRETATION/MEANING WE GAVE THEM at the time when we were little children and felt shamed, guilty, fearful of being rejected, unloved, powerless, hopeless or not good enough… We then became hostages of fear and fear became our guide, our first reference point. Fear became FAMILIAR to us and being a powerless victim to the actions of others became our image we now hold of ourselves in our adulthood.
Therefore, OUR MOST IMPORTANT TASK IS TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OUR EMOTIONS AND OUR VIBRATION. That way we stop being hostages of other people’s fears or subjects of their creation. Instead, we stay in our power of Divine Love REGARDLESS OF circumstances, especially when we are challenged or scared... And then we become the almighty creator of the life that WE want and not what is expected of us.
By US choosing to be guided by Love instead of fear, we stop being the powerless victim of the world around us and become powerful, whole and sovereign. We replace our anger with Peace, hatred with Forgiveness, sadness and grief with Joy and Compassion, shame and guilt with Innocence and cravings with Gratitude.
In my opinion the most powerful tools that we have at our disposal to heal and liberate ourselves from fear and therefore raise our vibration to Love, are GRATITUDE AND FORGIVENESS.
I speak in depth about the power of GRATITUDE in all my workshops. Making a daily gratitude list is one of the most important pieces of homework I give to all my clients. By focusing on what they are grateful for instead of what they fear or do not want, in minutes or seconds they can raise their vibration from anger, fear or judgment to Peace, Grace, Compassion and Happiness. It is like changing the channel on a TV set and thus changing what we are watching and experiencing from a horror story to a Heart-warming, romantic comedy.
By choosing to focus on what we are grateful for, we immediately free ourselves from the grip of fear. When we let go of fear, we instantly allow Love to shine through and be our Guide here. And now by vibrating with Love we become a magnet to what we love and want, rather than what we fear and hate.
The second most powerful tool which changes our vibration from misery, anxiety and depression to Happiness, Peace and Abundance is FORGIVENESS.
I have done and trained in so many modalities of psychotherapy, but it was the teachings of “A Course In Miracles” that guided me to the awakening of who I am in my Truth. And for the last 30 years, it has been my bible and my guide on my healing journey…
And the most important teaching from ACIM is Forgiveness which can be summarised in this short quote:
“Nothing real can be threatened.
Nothing unreal exists.
Herein lies the peace of God”
And it says further:
“To forgive is merely to remember only the loving thoughts you gave in the past, and those that were given you. All the rest must be forgotten. Forgiveness is a selective remembering, based not on your selection. For the shadow figures you would make immortal are “enemies” of reality. Be willing to forgive the Son of God for what he did not do”…..
So, all our judgments, attacks, blame, anxiety, all of our emotions of anger, hate, self-pity, powerlessness, hopelessness, unworthiness - all of those tools that we accepted as empowering us as protectors are, according to ACIM, “enemies” of reality.
And what is our reality that we forgot? We forgot that we are the most powerful co-creators of our life and as we create with our emotions, we must take responsibility for how we feel. As by blaming others for how we feel and by holding grudges, we disconnect from our true source and thus we give our power away to our abusers.
But Forgiveness is not to break our boundaries and allow them to abuse us again. We are not being asked to love that person for what they have done to us. Forgiveness is to stay connected to our source, to the Love that is our inheritance, despite the actions of others. We let go of our judgment of them. We step back and ask for God - the Divine Love - to judge this hurtful situation for us… By doing so, we vibrate with that Love and confirm to ourselves that whatever they did or did not do to us has not taken that Love away from us. They have not made us worthless, powerless or undeserving of that Love.
The most powerful prayer from ACIM is:
“Divine Father/ Mother, You take this from me. You look upon it and judge it for me. Let me not see it as a sign of sin or death or use it for destruction. Please teach me how not to make an obstacle to Peace out of it, but let You use it for me to FACILITATE PEACE COMING”
Guided by that Love, we change the meaning we gave to the traumas caused by our abusers. We let go of feeling guilty or shameful and erase the beliefs of being lesser than, un-whole, unworthy, powerless, unwanted and undeserving to be here.
And that is what those words mean – forgive him for what he has not done to me! He/she has not made us dirty, shameful, guilty, or undeserving of Love. We are still pure and powerful. Because we are still One with our True Creator, who is our Source. So now we can look at that person with the vision of that Source.
We don’t have to agree with our abusers or obey them - Absolutely not. We can say NO, but we say NO from the place of power, out of respect and love for ourselves and not out of fear of their reaction, punishment or their opinion or judgment of us.
It’s like refusing to drink the poison that someone else is offering us. We don’t join them in their vibration of anger, hate and fear. And as we do not accept those emotions (that poison for ourselves), we VIBRATE WITH LOVE NOT FOR THEM BUT FOR OURSELVES. We now choose to be guided by the Divine Love and now empowered by that almighty Love, and in turn we witness miracles.
One of the reasons why it is hard for us to forgive is that for centuries we have been programmed by the religious teachings that guilt is our birth-right and suffering is our deserved punishment for it. We interpret our traumas as “proofs” of God’s disappointment with us and our hurt now is His way of punishing us. We believe we somehow deserved what was done to us and we must now suffer here to earn God’s Love. That suffering here becomes our ticket out of hell.
“ I will forgive you for my suffering to show God how good I am, or how much better I am than you, my abuser. And more I suffer here the more innocent l become; more I hurt and more I point the finger of blame at others, the lesser punishment will be given me”…
During the therapy sessions with my clients, I discovered that the reason why they can’t let go of their pain and keep seeing themselves as helpless victims, is that their emotions of hurt, shame, guilt or rage had never been acknowledged and are therefore hidden deep within their body and their subconscious mind. So, one of the most important steps in their healing is to allow them to bring all those suppressed emotions to the surface and have them expressed, even blasted out at their abusers. By doing so, those emotions are brought to Light and now they can be released and let go of. And when we let them go, we let Love in and our vibration rises; We reconnect to our power, change our beliefs, and start creating the life we want.
Forgiveness is NOT being the powerless martyr or unfairly treated victim. It does not mean that we deny our hurt and push all those painful emotions and rage to the basement of our subconscious mind. We acknowledge our hurt. We give ourselves the voice to express that hurt and feel it fully. And we walk through it with no resistance, resentment, judgment, or blame. We breath into our Heart Centre and choose to see them with Love instead of fear. By doing it, we release the blocks that stops us from the awareness of Love’s Presence within us.
So now we return to our True Self; We rest in the Love that resides within us; We surrender to It; We acknowledge that indeed we are safe, whole, complete, wanted, loved unconditionally and eternally and that Love is always with us, just awaiting OUR choice to be guided by It and free of fear.
We are conditioned that forgiveness is to do with another person who did us wrong. But our awakening to our power of creation is to realise that:
December 2021