Imagine yourself as a sailing boat called “My Life” in the vast sea of endless possibilities.
You are either following other boats or sail in tune with yourSelf.
You are either floating in the calm water or fighting against storms hopelessly drifting away from your destination, being controlled by the winds and high waves.
You are either chasing in fear towards your destination or are Present in the Now and sailing in Serenity and Trust.
How and if you succeed, depends on the choices and decisions you make in response to what you face on your journey EVERY MOMENT of your life.
Imagine now that boat is your life experience and you see Happiness as something outside of yourself, your final destination. So instead of choosing to BE HAPPY on your ride, your purpose and focus here now is to survive while reaching it…
You write the script of what life should look like IN ORDER for you to be happy. You create an endless list of conditions on HOW this happiness could be reached based on the beliefs you store in our subconscious.
- “I will be happy WHEN I HAVE enough money in my bank account”
- I will be happy WHEN I AM with someone who makes me feel lovable and loved
- I will be happy WHEN I GET approval and validation from others for what I do
- I will be safe and at peace WHEN I AM IN CONTROL OF actions of others and they do what I WANT them to do”
The list goes on and your sailing journey of life becomes a constant chase and a struggle to earn that love, financial abundance, health and peace …
What if though, that Happiness, Love and Peace that you saw outside of yourself, were already within you right NOW? What if they were your inheritance and nothing that is said about you or was done to you can change, or damage or take them away from you?... ….
Your emotions become your guide now, your compass, showing you whether you are going the right way, instead of being the unreachable goal or far away destination. You realize that your mistakes DO NOT DEFINE YOU, they teach you what not to do. And so when you are not at peace or feel unloved or unhappy, you don’t see it as a proof of your failings or not being good enough. You don’t blame yourself or others. Instead you simply change the direction, choosing Love as your Guide, instead of fear.
You are the one who is in control of the tiller of your boat – you can go WITH THE WIND – LOVE BEING YOUR LIFE FORCE, OR AGAINST IT… The choice is yours, and that is where your true control and power lie. When you lose the focus on the Present Moment, you lose the control of your boat and of your life…